HUAYIN BIOLOGY    Respiratory Pathogens Series    Detection Kit for 2019-nCoV RNA (Multiple RT-PCR Fluorescence Probing)(Lyophilised)

Detection Kit for 2019-nCoV RNA (Multiple RT-PCR Fluorescence Probing)(Lyophilised)

No cold chain any more!
Storage and transportation at ambient temperature.

Detect by the gold standard⸺Real-time PCR

· In China, positive PCR result is the criterion for 2019-nCoV diagnosis.
· PCR detects the RNA of virus, there is no window period, and the infected person can be detected early.
· PCR detection is more sensitive and accurate than rapid test, suitable for general population screening.


No cold chain any more!
Storage and transportation at ambient temperature.

Superiority of Lyophilized kits

Long term stability
Transport and storage at room temperature(below 30℃)for 24months.
They don’t need special/cool transport and then cost drops considerably.


It can be adapted to most of the multi-channel fluorescence PCR instrument.


“Ready to use”
They are lyophilized in bottles, which contain all the necessary components for the testing already. It can be move into tube with any size after purified water supplied.


A minimum loss
Reduce material loss of M-MLV Reverse Transcriptase and Taq Polymerase.


Basic information

Sample Oropharyngeal swab samples and
Bronchoalveolar lavage fluid
Time required for amplification <70mins
Period of Validity 24months
Transport and storage temperature room temperature(below 30℃)

· One-step RT-PCR detection technology.
· Target the novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV) ORF1a/b gene, N gene, S gene and human internal reference gene RNase P gene sequence.
· Registration number: BE-CA01/1-90138-00088-IVD